Masturbation and Myth

As i’m sure many of you are aware, May is national Masturbation Month. That time of the year when we celebrate self pleasure in all of its glory.


‘Why do we need an entire month to bring this very basic of human practices to light?’ I hear you ask. Well, there is a tremendous amount of taboo associated with Masturbation that stems back hundreds if not thousands of years that continues to persist even in our ‘enlightened’ age.

Biblical scholars will be quick to remind you of Christianity’s concern rooted within the sin of Onan, Buddhism asks its devotees to refrain from ‘acts of sexual misconduct’ and greatly disavows ‘seizing the lion’ as it is referred and Taoism suggests that masturbation causes a reduction in vital ‘origin qi’. In fact, very few religious doctrines actually view masturbation in a positive light. Exceptions to the rule include Hinduism, which devotes whole areas of doctrine to jerking off in the famous Kama Sutra and Wicca which follows the teaching of ‘And if it harm none, do what thou wilt’.

There are many reasons that jerking off or stroking is considered spiritually undesirable, though most focus on the ‘unlawful’ spilling of seed in men. This preoccupation stems from the obsession with continued survival of genetic and philosophical lineage, many theologians and priests concerned themselves with the fear that their way of life would cease to exist if men were always masturbating instead of procreating. Remember sex isn’t supposed to be fun, it’s only designed to make sure you have children!

When it comes to women, the attitude shifts. Masturbation among the fairer sex is more concerned with spiritual pollution than physical and seems to consider the practice corrupting to the soul and indicates a pre-occupation with the pleasures of the flesh, as opposed to spiritual enlightenment. It is also a highly persistent fear that masturbating women will ruin their purity and virginal status – as RuPaul said in Starrbooty ‘Did they compromise your Christianity??’

Methods of controlling the masses and their roving hands have yielded some fascinating cultural myths, after all, how many of us were taught to fear blindness or hairy palms as result of self-experimentation?! Fears regarding mutilation of sexual organs through repeated self-pleasure, destruction of sexual vigour and appetite later in life and even madness have cropped up time and again in society. Unsurprisingly these perpetuating fears have caused more harm than good.

Repressive philosophical regimes cause great depressions which can manifest in a number of guises, sexual repression being one of the most volatile often resulting in aggressive and violent behaviours among both sexes. Modern studies have proved time and again the benefits of regular masturbation in both men and women listing benefits as reductions of risk of developing cancers (particularly that of the prostate), alleviation of the symptoms of clinical depression, postulation regarding beneficial effects of masturbation and its impact on the cardiovascular system persist as do recent studies that link regular self-love sessions to alleviation of some respiratory difficulties. Cervical resistance to infection and increased fertility in both males and females is also linked to those who masturbate on a regular basis.

Masturbation can also aid the alleviation of tension in relationships where one partners libido is higher than the others. Mutual masturbation is also known to increase intimacy between partners as it showcases techniques that aid one anothers ability to climax and acts as a demonstration of the combination of various erogenous zones to draw individuals to orgasm. Many sex therapists recommend mutual masturbation to couples who suffer from intimacy issues and whose relationships experiences difficulty due to sexual incompatibility or confusion.

Despite the prevailing myths surrounding masturbation there is clear evidence from the scientific community that justifies the practice and upholds its many benefits, so don’t be afraid and don’t listen to the naysayers – whether you be flicking the bean, stroking the snake or making friends with your little bishop in a turtle neck do it with great satisfaction secure in the knowledge that you are treating your body to a sensational and sensual treat. Don’t forget as well to utilize the best in pleasure products purchased from your favourite branch of Nice ‘n’ Naughty to do so. Store recommendations may be the famous Gun Oil force recon gel or Pink Unity and there are a plethora of vibrators, sleeves and intimate toys available to enhance your experience such as the Picobong and Lelo ranges for women and the incredible Fleshlight and Tenga Module sleeves for gentlemen.

Happy Masturbation Month everybody

Nice ‘n’ Naughty Bristol

A Simple Guide to Lubrication


One of the most basic and important elements of a fulfilling sex life is lubrication. Often overlooked, lubrication can enhance sexual pleasure by up to five times and acts as an extra slick conductor for your bodies most intimate aspects.

There are three main types of lube; Water based, Silicone and Hyrbids. Water bases such as KY jelly, Gun Oil H20 or ID glide are known for their simple formula and are the classic lubes of choice. They are the wonderful accompaniment to silicone toys and cling to their surface with ease, the only draw-back to water bases is that as the body heats up the water content evaporates and that’s where things can get a bit sticky. Often, adding a bit of water or saliva will encourage these styles to re-lubricate and you can get back to business, however, this can be a bit of a messy affair.

Silicone based lubrications i.e. ID millennium, Pink lubrication and Gun Oil classic are super slick and perfect for general play. Rather than being absorbed into the skin they act as a barrier and heat doesn’t allow these lubes to evaporate and get sticky meaning you can enjoy your favourite activities for longer. Silicone bases do have the tendency to stain sheets so make sure when using lubes from this family that you put your bed clothes on a hot wash to eradicate those suspect marks with a good deal of washing powder. These styles are also slightly thinner feeling that water bases and can sometimes also be a bit difficult to handle if your hands are covered – reaching for that bottle or toy can be a bit tricky with fingers coated in silicone lube so be careful not to use too much. It is also worth noting that using silicone toys with silicone lube is a big no-no! The two begin to interact and bond causing that soft, velvet feel to degrade.

Finally, hybrid lubrications are the combination of silicone and water bases. Simple. Some of these lubrications will have higher quantities of silicone in them than others which makes them inappropriate to use with silicone toys so make sure to ask your retailer exactly which ones are best combined with your favourite toys for absolute compatibility. The most common hybrids found on the market are Liquid Silk, Gun Oil Loaded and Pink Indulgence Creme. The latter of these three are perfectly okay to use with silicone toys as whilst they have the lovely glide associated with this family of lubrications, the amount used in the average bottle to enhance your session is not enough to affect your toy adversely. It is also to be noted that these lubrications have a slightly thicker consistency and are often white in colour – they are also AMAZING for anal play.

Sensitive skin? Alot of people suffer from allergies to their lubrication, particularly women, this is most commonly caused by the glycerine content found in most lubes. ID moments which is a wonderful water based lube and Pink Water are all glycerine free as is the hybrid Pink Unity. Always check the labels to make doubly sure that you are purchasing what’s best for your body and patch test on your skin before jumping straight in. This will save you some painful and occasionally very itchy moments.


Nice ‘n’ Naughty Bristol



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This site will feature product reviews, editorials on the world of sexuality and update you on the latest innovations in adult entertainment.

We will also introduce to you our friendly and helpful staff and provide you with sensual tips and tricks designed to add some spice and sensuality to your love lives…

Ready, set GO!!!!

The Nice ‘n’ Naughty Bristol Team